
Established in 2003, MCCC champions the cultural enrichment of Multnomah County residents. We are the re-granting board of the Oregon Cultural Trust in Multnomah County. The Oregon Cultural Trust’s mission is to lead Oregon in cultivating, growing and valuing culture as an integral part of communities. By inspiring Oregonians to invest in a permanent fund that provides annual grants to cultural organizations. Monies donated to the Cultural Trust come back to Multnomah County and are distributed as grants.  MCCC awards up to $2,500 to organizations and groups that cultivate community through arts and culture. We are committed to using our resources to make culture accessible and affordable, and to support organizations and activities that emphasize cultural diversity.

Donors to the Oregon Cultural Trust receive a generous state tax credit for giving as long as their contribution to the Trust is matched by equal or greater charitable gifts to any number of Oregon’s cultural non-profits.  Want to support the Multnomah County Cultural Coalition? Donate to the Oregon Cultural Trust and get that amount back as a tax credit! You can donate today!
